Monday, January 12, 2009

a late but worthy introduction

So every good relationship is built on a platform of trust and honesty. Because of this, I am going to be, to the discomfort of some, brutally honest.

To start: It’s been about, 35 seconds since I’ve though about sex. And that’s only because I’ve been trying to open Microsoft word on my Mac with 25 widgets running on my dock screen. Honestly, since we are going with honesty right now, I think about sex most of the day. If I’m not thinking about it, I’m reading about it, talking about it, writing about it, doing it (whoa), or watching it on my computer.

“Who is this girl?” You might be asking…. Well, I’ll start with the basics, since no trusting healthy relationship can develop without the basics being known. My name is Kinseyette and I am a sexaholic. No, I don’t mean that I am addicted to the act of copulation, sex, intercourse, doing the dirty dirty or whatever you like to call it. It just means that sex and the mechanics that drive us towards “doing it” fascinates me. It fascinates me to the point that I have decided to dedicate my academic life to understanding the three little letter word that rocks relationships and topples empires.

Sex is more than something you do: It’s something you learn about, something you talk about, something you think about, and sometimes, it’s something that makes you feel really uncomfortable.

Sex is one of the few true equalizers: it knows no race, gender, or socioeconomic status. You can be blonde, a ginger, you can have big feet, small teeth… Even the heaviest recorded man on the earth still reached climax and orgasm, though his sexual partner probably had to do a lot of searching to even find his member.

Every human on the earth, aside from a few unique but completely acceptable and workable exceptions, has the tools necessary to have sex and the proper hormones and chemicals to make the magic happen.

Sex creates life. Doesn’t that blow your mind when you think about it? Sex. Creates. Life. Ponder that, and revel in the beauty that is our bodies.

So, everyone can have sex, everyone’s bodies are made for sex, we all want it, talk about it, dream about it, and complain if we aren’t getting it. Darwin himself would argue that if you aren’t interested in sex, you really shouldn’t be breathing since you’re a failure of evolution. Not to mention “that’s what she said” is the catch phrase of our generation.

So why, I ask, is sex still such a taboo subject in our society today? Why are people so afraid to ask questions to improve their sex lives because they are afraid of what people might think?

That’s where I come in. I, if you haven’t picked up on this already, am not embarrassed nor afraid of sex talk. In fact, in encourage it. I am not afraid to do the research, to ask the questions, or to surf hard core porn sites to find the answer to any question.

For example: did you know that the term “Gonzo” is a term used to describe porn without any plot line? You know, the kind where sex doesn’t happen on the moon or on the president’s desk but in a bed with bad lighting? No silver make-up, no clever name (like Genie in a String Bikini), no nothing but sex. Now THAT is Gonzo! What can I say? You learn something new everyday.

I want to be your liaison into the world of sex and relationships. I want to do the dirty work for you (pun intended) so that you can find exactly what you are looking for.

The truth is that sex is an important part of any relationship, so when I talk about sex I am also talking about relationships. Given, relationships shouldn’t be all physical and there are many generalities about sex that do not transfer to my advice about relationships (i.e. role play is awesome in bed, but outside the bedroom you should not be acting like a naughty school teacher. Unless, of course, you are in fact a school teacher. Who is naughty. Then in that case, go right ahead with yo naughty self). What I will be talking about is friendships, relationships, sexual relationships, and even completely platonic relationships (which, I’ll talk about later, always end up in one party falling in love while the other is blissfully unaware). Through the relationships I observe around me parallels will be drawn between what I study, what I know, and what I see. So turn on your favorite naughty film, light a couple candles, and enjoy the read.

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